5 Quotes & Sayings By Peter Seibel

Peter Seibel is the author of the best selling book, "The Joy of Clojure", "Web Foundations" and his new book will be published in 2011, "Pragmatic Clojure". He is also a co-organizer of Clojure/conj 2013. Peter is one of the most influential people in Clojure land.

And once I realized that code I write never fucking goes away and I'm going to be a maintainer for life. I get comments about blog posts that are almost 10 years old. "Hey, I found this code. I found a bug, " and I'm suddenly maintaining code. Peter Seibel
He came in and took a piss in my hotel bathroom without even closing the door as I'm standing right there. I'm like, "Alright. You're comfortable." It was like we knew each other for four or five years, even though we had never met. Peter Seibel
Zawinski: Sometimes. I end up doing all the sysadmin crap, which I can't stand- I've never liked it. I enjoy working on XScreenSaver because in some ways screen savers-the actual display modes rather than the XScreenSaver framework-are the perfect program because they almost always start from scratch and they do something pretty and there's never a version 2.0. There's very rarely a bug in a screen saver. It crashes-oh, there's a divide-by-zero and you fix that. Peter Seibel
Fitzpatrick: Back when I was doing Perl-even for people that knew Perl really well- I would recommend MJD's Higher-Order Per! . The book is really fun in that it starts somewhat simple and you're like, "Yeah, yeah, I know what a closure is." And then it just continues to fuck with your head. By the end of the book, you're just blown away. Peter Seibel